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Cannabis Calcium Deficiency: Prevention and Treatment

Calcium is an essential micronutrient for cannabis’s stable development, cell wall formation, and stress relief. Calcium is needed for pre-flowering development. Calcium, in comparison to other essential nutrients, is a significant and vital nutrient. Its potential to be processed at the ground stage of its biologically derived forms is harmed as a result of this. Common soil additives such as dolomite and oyster shells may act as pH buffers, while gypsum does not.

Being a semi-mobile nutrient, Calcium, once absorbed from the roots, travels slowly into the plant. Therefore, it continues to remain put inside the plant structure after absorption. This will make detecting the toxicity and deficiency simpler because symptoms can occur at the same rate as the plant’s availability and growth. Actively growing leaves and older leaves will show signs of a calcium problem.

Calcium Deficiency

The first symptoms of calcium deficiency may occur in the youngest growth when exposed to sun, as malformed edges in the leaves with a rough edge outline and speckled browning. Often, older leaves may form browning necrotic patches, which will not heal since calcium is a semi-mobile nutrient.

When a farmer uses reverse osmosis water, calcium deficiency is common; nevertheless, there is usually sufficient latent calcium throughout the water from the tap to meet the plants’ demands. Also, chelated nutrients like ProCal or Cal-Mag are particularly relevant sources when the pH of your substrate is lower than optimum for absorption. Growth in sterile media such as hydro, coco coir, or Rockwool would necessitate planning to maintain optimal calcium levels.

Calcium is the most easily available mineral:

  • For soil systems, Calcium is better absorbed by roots that have a pH around 6.2 and 7.0. It is usually preferred to maintain the pH amid 6.0 and 7.0 in soil, but calcium is best taken by plants at a pH above 6.2.
  • For hydroponic systems, Calcium is better absorbed by the roots that have a pH around 6.2 and 6.5. It is usually preferred to maintain the pH amid 5.5 and 6.5 in hydro, but calcium is best taken by plants at a pH above 6.2.

If left untreated, a calcium deficiency can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Stems grow brittle or flimsy and are prone to cracking.
  • Stems grow hollow or exhibit symptoms of rotting on the inside.
  • Heat has a negative impact on the farm.
  • Flowers and buds grow slowly.
  • The roots tend to be frail or poorly developed.
  • Sections of roots can also die off or change color due to extreme calcium deficiency.

Calcium Toxicity

Calcium deficiency may be misdiagnosed as potassium, iron, or other marijuana disorders, making it impossible to detect calcium deficiency. Due to the traditional methods of providing Calcium to plants, the majority of toxicities will appear as a deficiency of other nutrients.

Adjust the calcium supply after flushing and recharging your media at the correct pH. If you are growing in soil, check for amendments and see if a modification is required to the extra calcium provided or if there is excessively usable calcium, necessitating a media change.

Sources of Calcium

Since calcium is required in such small quantities during a plant’s existence, it’s critical to find a supply that matches your plants’ requirements. Calcium can be found in a variety of forms, including liquids and derivatives like bone meal or dolomite. Determining which sort of soluble Calcium can work better with your nutrient system as a liquid is crucial. Knowing the molecular weight and how long it will take to dissolve from its derivatives, such as dolomite, oyster shells, or bone meal, would be crucial in soil systems.

When calcium is used in liquid fertilizers, it is typically Cal-Mag or Calcium Nitrate to improve calcium transpiration. Calcium can interfere with the absorption of potassium and magnesium, so these preparations must be used with caution and in accordance with other nutrients.

Solution for Calcium Deficiency in Cannabis

When a calcium deficit has been confirmed, the best practice is to determine if it is due to a shortage of calcium, pH problems with the soil, or interference with other components in the root region. If your media is not in the soil, flushing it with pH-balanced water and afterward applying a pH-balanced nutrient mixture with an optimized Calcium supply can solve the issue.

If you’re growing weed in the soil, all you have to do is increase the calcium in your supply and fix any pH problems in your system. If you ever need to flush, keep in mind that derived calcium supplies like gypsum, dolomite, and others dissolve more quickly due to the particle size, so you will need to change your soil or add an additional amount.

In cannabis, iron, magnesium, and calcium defects are often found together. As a result, many growers opt to buy a Cal-Mag supplement for their cannabis plants just in case this widespread deficiency shows up.

Plants Need Calcium As Much As Humans Do

Calcium’s importance in the development of healthy bones and teeth can’t be overstated, particularly during childhood. Cannabis plants also need this micronutrient for a more robust plant structure, or else that would trigger a slew of issues.

Calcium deficit is unlikely to exist, fortunately. If this is the case, all that is needed is to implement the prescribed treatments. If growers respond quickly, the odds of the infected plants recovering well are good.

Final Thoughts

Although calcium is classified as a supplementary macronutrient, you now understand why it is so essential. Calcium has a variety of functions, all of which are important for the wellbeing and health of your crops. You will be able to have an efficient grow if you regularly check the number of essential nutrients in your system while growing cannabis.

Getting an exceptionally good yield, on the other hand, necessitates either a great deal of luck or a wealth of experience. If you want your plant to yield high-quality weed, you must ensure its system is not lacking any nutrients. You will be a successful grower if you have the requisite awareness of the things that are important for your farm.

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