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Cannabis Cloning For Beginner Growers: Quick Guide

If you’re a beginner to indoor cannabis cultivation, the word “cannabis cloning” is almost certain to come up. While the majority of experienced cannabis farmers are aware of the potential advantages of cannabis cloning, just a select few are aware of how to perform it right for the best outcomes.

You should be aware that experienced cannabis growers prefer to use cloning to get high-quality buds. One of the numerous reasons to consider cannabis cloning is the ability to preserve the distinct characteristics of high-producing crops. However, before going into details, you should know what cannabis cloning actually is.

What Is Cannabis Cloning?

Cloning is the technique of taking a short branch (referred to as a cutting) from an existing plant and cultivating it into another plant. This is a popular procedure used by both home and professional farmers. Oddly, the beautiful Poinsettias you see every year during the Christmas season are almost always clones grown in greenhouses. Marijuana cloning is the act of taking a cutting from a living cannabis plant (known as the mother plant) and regrowing it into an independent plant.

Cloning plants is not something new; it has been practiced since the dawn of civilization. People have been chopping off the branches and stems of valuable wild plants in order to replant them closer to their homes. Cannabis is one of those plants that, with the right cloning procedures, may perform very well. You must be thinking about why you should work so hard in the first place. To clear your doubts, here are some reasons why you should consider cloning.

Benefits of Cannabis Cloning

1.Β Β Β  Supplementation of Seeds

The cost of high-quality marijuana seeds may be rather high. You can produce multiple marijuana plants from a single seed if you opt for cloning your cannabis plants when it’s the right time. This might save you a lot of money over the long term!

2.Β Β Β  Quality Control

One reason why so many individuals engage in marijuana cloning is to be able to produce new plants that have all of the beneficial characteristics of the mother plants. It is used by commercial producers to maintain the desirable qualities of their finest plants in the harvest and to produce the highest grade plants deliberately.

You’ve probably completed the process of studying what performs well and what doesn’t when it comes to cannabis cloning. You are aware of all the aspects that might impact the development of the young plants at the time of cloning your selected mother plant. You’ll be better able to optimize your outcomes and generate high-quality harvests if you use the data obtained throughout the mother marijuana plant’s growth.

3.Β Β Β  For Hybrid Production

Because of sterility and other conditions, seed generation in certain hybrid plants is often restricted or impossible. The only method to regenerate these hybrid variants of the marijuana plants is generally via cannabis cloning.

How to Clone Weed

To clone marijuana plants, you don’t need to be an expert grower, but you will need some experience in order to acquire an optimal mother plant. If you’re happy with a particular plant you’ve cultivated, it could be an excellent candidate for cloning.

Step 1:

To begin, choose the cannabis plant that you want to clone first. The ideal plants for this method are those that have healthy growth and haven’t been harmed by pests. The cutting should be approximately 6 inches in length and at most 2 months old.

The plant must also be at the vegetative stage of its development. If the cannabis plant becomes larger and bushier, now is the time to clone it. Because the plant is concentrating its resources on the flowers, a clone obtained while the plant has started blooming is far less likely to establish roots and become bigger.

This marijuana plant is in the process of reproducing. Keep an eye out for the little white threads. These are the reproductive component of female marijuana plants and are known as stigmas. Stigmas collect pollen from male cannabis plants and use it to fertilize them. Cloning is no longer possible if your marijuana plant gets stigmas.

Step 2:

Cut a side branch or the bottom section of the plant stems that you’d want to renew using a sharpened and sterilized blade. To offer the largest surface area for optimal germination, the incision should be performed at a 45 Β° angle.

Step 3:

The plant cuttings should be immersed in water as early as possible after that. Air bubbles will not develop within the exposed stem as a result of this procedure.

Step 4:

It’s a good idea to remove some of the flowers from your cutting. When the new clone has fewer leaves, it can concentrate its efforts on establishing viable roots, which speeds up the plant’s total development. It’s advisable to pluck the leaves nearest to the cut first. Because these leaves are old, they will have no effect on fresh growth.

Step 5:

Before placing the clone cut in a growth medium, it is recommended to apply root hormones to the visible end of the cutting. Although a root hormone brought from the store is preferable, cinnamon and honey also function surprisingly well as rooting hormones. Both contain antifungal characteristics and stop spores from growing on plant cuttings.

Step 6:

After you’ve done the aforementioned processes, it’s time to plant your marijuana clone in a growth medium of your choosing. We suggest using a mixed coco pod, rockwool, or potting mix if your desired future growth medium for the clones is soil.

You can also try the Grobo growth system to create a rooted cutting or a clone.Β  This will allow you to grow your cannabis plants without any stress. Simply insert your cutting into the Grobo and let it grow. A little humidity dome can be purchased to help you root your cuttings and turn them into a clone.

Final Thoughts

Cloning is a unique and cost-effective way to grow new cannabis plants without purchasing any seeds. Simply follow the steps we mentioned in this article, and there is an 80% probability that your cannabis clone will develop into a complete plant.

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